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Old 03-16-2012, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by YukonViv View Post
Oh QuiltE you are doing so well!!!!! I think you get a gold star for keeping up LOL. Your blocks are going to be very soft and soothing I think...I can't wait to see how the darker green is going to be incorporated in there.

*blush* Thank you

I'm like you though ... I tend to do my own thing and make what I want, with what I want and when I want!!! ....... with no predetermined notions as to what will happen to it after it's finished. That way the only pressure I have is whatever I cause myself and sometimes that can be too much! I sure can't blame anyone else for it. I too, let my quilts "talk" to me, and often as I work along, I figure out who it is for ... and with that, sometimes I make changes to personalize it a little. more.

For this mystery, I was determined to make it from my stash ... while I have a huge stash, I found that I could not come up with a 3-fabric combo that'd work. Had lots of combos with enough for 2 of the fabrics, but none where there was enough of all three, so ended up buying the purple ... despite all the many purples I had! I figured if it was going to be a Mystery I might as well make it a total risk ... rather than going with the "safe" fabrics. Besides, I'm "cheap"!!!!

As I work with it, I am finding the quilt to be soft and soothing, as you suggested ... and with just enough spark and sparkle with that purple. Maybe I am getting to like it too much, and will keep it?

Another difference in your mystery ... our LQS is not having any classes or GTGs during the process. So I have no clue what fabrics the others are using ... and the only people that I have discovered who are doing it, are because they happened to have been at the LQS when I pick up the next Clue. We get a phone call or email to say it's ready, and then just drop by when we wish. There is supposed to be a final reveal GTG after people have a chance to finish the quilts up.

Take care of that migraine ... and don't push yourself to far and hard too soon .... or yikes! It'll be back with full vengeance. Do take care!!!
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