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Old 03-17-2012, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by GrandmaSewNSew
Thirty some years ago I bought a top of the line machine (New Home- now Janome) as I love sewing in High School but my mom knew nothing about machine sewing so I was on my own. My SIL told me she bought a new machine and, you guessed it, it was a Bernina. When I told her I had a new machine too, she told me I had wasted my money, that Bernina was the only machine worth buying. When I started to have problems with my machine, which I now know was due to not cleaning it or replacing the needle (I really didn't know better then) I thought it was because I bought an inferior machine. Years later I discovered that my machine really is a gem and now I know how to take care of it. It has NEVER been in for service, runs like a dream, and does so many things that modern machines boast of. My SIL has had several Berninas, trading up over the years. I do not blame her for her snobery, although it did and still does exist. I blame myself for falling for it, for being too inexperienced to know that a machine had to be cleaned (okay, read the manual) and needed new needles from time to time. Years lost in sewing. But now this is a valuable experience as I realize that it is necessary to have strength in our convictions. That how you react to a situation is up to YOU. For example, if I'm stuck in traffic I can either be angry about it or take it as a part of life. I can't control the traffic but I can control my reaction to it. That is the lesson that I learned and the best lesson you can take away from this awful situation. Yes, that teacher is a fool. Hopefully, one day she will see herself in this situation and realize what's she's done. But regardless, YOU are the one who controls how you react to it, so I encourage you to say, "what an idiot", smile, and enjoy your wonderful machine. Imagine yourself laughing when she made that remark rather than turning red and shrinking in your seat.
Thank you for the refresher course.
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