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Old 03-25-2012, 11:56 AM
j3intampa's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Tampa, Fl
Posts: 38
Unhappy chiming in here

Hi to all, haven't visited in a while and seems you all have been busy! I am the one who bought my Janome through Thomas Sewing in Mesquite, Tx and they are positively great dealers. They listen to each and every phone call and go out of their way to answer any questions I have had. It's the dealers like the one SuzyQ is dealing with that give a company such a bad rep. I have always felt that Janome has strived for and maintained a great reputation throughout the years and I would venture to guess that they are unaware of some of these so-so dealers around. I do hope that they send an educator down to Florida, I would even drive several hours to attend. Thomas Sewing contacted me about the class at the end of this month and as much as I would love to go the airfare and cost of the trip is too much right now. I have been to three shows within the last year and Janome hasn't exhibited their longarm at any of them. I think I would contact someone to make sure they would be there.
I really hope SuzyQ gets her machine fixed, I really admire her for hanging in there so long. My machine has really only given me just a few problems, adjusting the top & bottom tensions really helped alot. The other problem was skipping stitches so wanted to share what I learned from that. I had joined the Yahoo group Tin Lizzie longarm and thought that because our Janome was made by Tin Lizzie that their hints and tricks would apply to ours. Not so! Their tension settings are different than ours and I even called the Tin Lizzie company and ordered their new ruler foot so I could start using those neat tools I bought. Please don't do that and waste your money. That is when I started having problems with skipped stitches. Ended up shipping the machine back to Thomas Sewing for a look see and turned out that the foot was causing the needle to deflect, hence skipped stitches. When the machine was returned the top tension was really tight, so tight I thought the thread would break but it sews beautifully. Whenever I lowered the needle through the foot everything seems ok but I will take their word for it. Haven't had a problems since. I hope SuzyQ gives everyone an update when she gets her machine back, I wish her the best. Judy in Tampa
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