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Old 03-25-2012, 06:16 PM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 2,893
Default Old CD's to the rescue - they work!

Some of you may remember the Robins who built a nest in our deck under the deck roof last year. We endured them until the babies flew away then knocked down the nest. They attempted a second nest but I put up cardboard to block them. So they left.

This year ----First the birds attempted to build a nest in our BBQ grill last week. We managed to get them to relocated.

Today we saw the Robins starting to build a nest in the eves of our deck. We knocked the nest down and went to church. In less than two hours they had built it back to where it had been. So we knocked that one down and put up cardboard in the hole. A short time later we saw TWO new nest being built in eves closer to our back door. So we knocked those down and hung up old CDs to chase them away.

SO FAR SO GOOD! The birds have stayed away. We love the birds, but when they nest so close to the back door and the grill we can't be out there until the babies are grown and fly off.

So if you have bird issues of nests or in the garden --- hang up old CDs!


Last edited by patricej; 03-31-2012 at 03:49 AM.
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