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Old 03-25-2012, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Mazda View Post
My hubby once left a digital camera & it was turned in. We send the maid a reward check!
I read to the end of this post because I was going to mention offering a reward might motivate someone to return the cord. I put a man's shaving kit bag or cheap lap top case with my machine so the cordor what item I bring goes in there and when I see the bag I think about what goes in the bag.
Once DH and I put son into the car and drove away without the brand new carriage. Both of us thought the other had put the carriage in. At least one of us remembered the child
A few weeks ago we left a tote on the curb with my ipad and jewelry and did not notice until we were an hours ride away. thought it would be gone due to middle school getting dismissed and the area where we left it but a lady and her son found it and called because my phone number was on the checks also in the bag and the money was all there. I gave him a hug and a good reward. I had promised candles and prayed to St. Anthony and St. Jude which may have done the trick? Hope you get it back too.
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