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Old 03-27-2012, 06:46 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Mary Ann, try this for squirrels: 1) Sprinkle red cayenne papper on the bird seed. It does not hurt the birds and the squirrels hate it! 2) Place a tub or garbage can lid over the pole which leads to the bird seed. The squirrels cannot get over the tub or lid without falling back onto the ground. They no longer even try to get at the seed in our yard.
Also, I did this one time: I bought a large length of PVC pipd--really large around. I sank it into concrete in the ground. Before I set it in the ground, I bored holes in it at intervals, all the way through the pipe. I then slid metal rods through the holes and hung the bird feeders on the rods. Some rods faced one direction and some faced the other way. The squirrels could not get any grasp on the slick PVC pipe and gave up. If you have a big deck, you can put the PVC pipe on a board with L brackets and then hang a weight from below to stabilize the pipe. Attach the rods in a similar way. You can have 6 or 8 feeders handing at one time. Have fun and good luck!
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