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Old 03-28-2012, 04:26 AM
hunters grammy
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Posts: 99
Talking That 1/4" Thing

I heard about this when I started quilting 3 years ago....At first, I thought how in the world do you sew a "scant" quarter of an inch??? Since then, I have watched and read a lot about this 1/4" thing. One day I sat down at my machine with the miracle index card. I wanted to actually see the difference in a 1/4" and a "scant" 1/4"....On a ruled index card, the spaces are exactly 1/4". Sew I lined up the card with the ruled line directly under the needle so that the needle punched into the ruled line. From the top of that ruled line to top of the next ruled line is exactly 1/4". For a scant, you put the needle down on the side of the line (almost touching the line). That gave me a visual of the difference and how to adjust either my guide or my needle - which ever you can adjust. The index card trick is a good reference. I have a 1/4" foot I use for quilting - if I need a "scant", I have to sew just a thread's width inside the 1/4", but it is hard to keep it at a "scant". But, it really is a phenomenon and how it can effect what you're sewing. I love the Quilting Board - There are so many great quilters on here - I always learn something new everytime I read it.
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