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Old 03-30-2012, 02:49 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
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I don't have those brands ... though did buy a Janome that to me was high end and at the time of purchase I had some guilty thoughts. Once I started using it ... I've never had any regrets. NOT AT ALL!!! Love it!

The important thing is to do youre research and know what you are buying.

I am a firm believer of buying well ... a little above my current needs, and what I anticipate they will be. It gives some room for growth with less of a need to want to upgrade soon after.

Determine your "needs" list and your "dream" list. Then go shopping and be sure to test drive any of the machines you are considering.

There's lots of good spec lists on the web so that you can compare what the differences are between models. When I bought my last machine, I thought the machine I was looking at was what I wanted ... and asked the dealer to show me the one above, and what the key differences were. Once I heard those, I knew that the upgrade machine was certainly more to my needs than the initial one I was looking at ... yes, as I said a little guilt at the time ... since then, I have been SO SO happy, and probably have done far more sewing because I absolutely love the machine!
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