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Old 04-03-2012, 08:52 AM
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I agree with you wholeheartedly, the experts are definitely not expert...I have genetically high cholesterol and for the last 3+ years I have had an egg almost everyday and it has not gone up at all, but my good cholesterol has gotten better. Now they're saying eggs & shrimp are good for your cholesterol. My grandfather had super high cholesterol and grandmother really low. She changed their diet and hers shot way up, I think it's all in how our body metabolizes what we eat. On a side note, I am very anti statin drugs and my dr. put me on niaspan and my cholesterol is dropping quite a bit for the first time in 20 years!

Originally Posted by Peckish View Post
We are also butter eaters here. I don't believe the "experts" are as expert as they claim. I have a friend who had high cholesterol for years, it was up to 320. She went on the diet, no butter, no red meat, no eggs, and took meds for 25 years. The lowest cholesterol reading she was ever able to get to was 240. Then, she started breaking out in rashes, went to lots of doctors who did nothing to find what the cause was, only prescribed creams for the rash. She finally went to a naturalist (amazing, since she's the very definition of a skeptic), did some testing. She had to stop eating all corn products, flour, soy, sugar, and everything processed. But, she DID start eating red meat, eggs, and clarified butter. Her cholesterol dropped to 200!!!

FYI, while I agree with those who dislike margarine, the "one molecule away from plastic" argument doesn't impress me much - hydrogen peroxide is only one molecule away from water, lol.
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