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Old 04-08-2012, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by stampinteresa View Post
Hi annesthreads, I just looked at the 2 whole cloth quilts. They are beautiful. Now I need to investigate what "whole cloth" quilts mean. Just hang in there and keep trying. I know I have Adult ADD b/c I get bored with one project and have to stop it for a while and go on to another. Then bored with that one and go back.My nephew was hurt about 5 am and is in the hospital waiting to see if there is a need for the neurosurgeon. So some days are just not sewing days.
I hope your nephew is OK, Teresa. Glad you liked the wholecloth quilts. I was amazed at how well they turned out - really wouldn't have thought I could do it. Wholecloth is quilting onto one piece of fabric, rather than onto patchwork, so the quilting gets ALL the attention, which is what made them so daunting to do.
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