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Old 04-20-2012, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by BellaBoo View Post
Great sale! I saw a picture of one fabric and had to have it, just that one design. When I found the whole line well, $170 later, it's on my way to me as I type. LOL I give myself Christmas many times a year.
GMTA! I was just thinking about this before I logged on today. The mailman came with 2 (more) packages of fabric for me. I just can't help myself (it's all I can do right now not to sign off & go straight to Hancock's!)! But, I rationalize it by the fact that it's my only vice... I don't smoke or drink or do drugs or gamble or cheat on my DH plus it's cheaper than therapy, so what's to feel guilty about? I know I'll never use it all but that's not why I buy it. I get it because it makes me happy & that's enough reason for me! So, Merry Xmas to all of us April 20th (& any other day we get goodies... LOL!)!!!

And BTW... don't look on the Green Fairy Quilt shop site if you're susceptible to sales (ditto Fabric Depot).

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