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Old 04-20-2012, 02:15 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Posts: 201

Caqn I ask why you don't llike the tile in your kitchen? We have been considering tile for our floor.

Thanks Deb

Originally Posted by callie8799 View Post
As I was cleaning up from Easter cooking, I noticed that I had a lot of splatters from cooking on the wall behind my stove and thought about ordering a sliver size in thickness, piece of my counter (I have Formica countertops) and placing it behind the stove. -easier to clean plus my counter is black and brown (it is to the right of the range.)

My question: does anyone have something like what I'm describing? and can you share a pix? I'm not sure how it would look. I don't want to put tile- ugh, the grout lines. I put tile on the kitchen floor and I'm regretting it. I'll try to attach a pix, but don't know how successful I'll be at doing so. btw, it would be taken when we just finished the remodel.

Thank you!

omg-it's huge! I'm sorry - how in the world do I make it smaller?
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