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Old 04-23-2012, 01:15 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by sylviak
I asked Patrice about getting the Embroidery chats all in one place like the Vintage Sewing machines, but she wasn't ready to do that yet. She is a bit afraid of a "slippery slope" away from quilting and into crafts. She may consider it at a later date. I mentioned that a lot of us are using it in our quilting. She also wondered about having a way to know how many would actually like to have a separate site for these discussions. If some of the rest of you are interested in doing this, you might chime in or PM her. It would have to be done during a maintaince time of some sort.

If you think I'm way off base here, say so, and I'll shut up. No biggie...

I don't think you are way off base. They have areas for recipes, etc. This isn't crafts; we are sewing. Yes, you can decorate with it but you can do that with quilts. I love to quilt and I'm excited about bringing my embroidery into my quilting to really expand on it. When ever I see anything with embroidery on it I read it. It's not like we are doing pottery; we are at the sewing machine and alot of us are using it in our quilts which I love and I love see all of the wonderful pictures of things that are being done. It gives this newbe a lot of hope.
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