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Old 04-25-2012, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Ps 150 View Post
In the beginning of the year, there was a status update floating around facebook that read:

Pay it forward 2012. I will make something handmade for the first 3 people that comment. They must in return post this on their status and make something for the first 3 people that comment. The rules are it must be handmade from you and delivered before the end of 2012.

I signed up on two of DH's aunt's posts, so I had to post this twice, making 6 projects. However, on the second posting, my younger sister was the only one who signed up. Since this is also the year that she's graduating from high school, I decided to make 3 projects and just give them all to her. These are her gifts. Thanks for looking!

The first one is an "Aurora Borealis" Bargello quilt. The Second is a "Spiderwebs & Mini Star" quilt, made from the scraps that were left over from the third quilt: a "Day & Night" quilt...if you couldn't tell, she really likes purple and gray combos, lol.
Beautiful quilts, but I just love the 3rd one. What a fantastic graduation gift, one she will always have and cherish. Everytime she uses any of the three she will remember just what a special sister made for her. Great work.
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