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Old 04-26-2012, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by chaskaquilter
My daughter gave me a book on the Gees Bend quilts, it was a very interesting read. I made two of the quilts from kits for my daughters for Christmas last year. I washed the fabrics in the solution you use for hand dyed fabrics (sorry, can't think of the name) and also used dye catchers. One of the quilts that had red in it still bled into the other colors. I always wash my quilts after I finish them so I can catch any problems before I give them away. So after crying for a bit, I bought other fabric in the colors and remade the quilt. So, just a warning about the hand dyed red.
I dye a lot of fabric. I just finished a baby quilt that I decided to add a wine colored strip into the backing. I forgot that I had dyed and over-dyed it. Apparently I didn't wash it enough because it ran all over the place. My Kona snow is pinkish, the prints are muddied. I was a little upset, but, decided since it's a baby girl quilt, everyone will think I planned it that way.
Boy, do I know that I will always ALWAYS keep washing my dyed fabrics until they run clear.
Sorry about your GB quilt, but, thanks for the red reminder.
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