Old 05-03-2012, 06:54 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,728

Well, Well ... what a busy place this has been since I last stopped by!
I'll try to catch up now!!

OKSGlad ... good call on the raining cats and dogs. Speaking of which, we've had storms going thru all evening, with tornado warnings! I don't think there's any serious worry, though of course, things can change suddenly! As always, your blocks are well done. hhmmm? wonder where that centre FC came from? Worked out well with the other fabrics. Muddy waters? I see storm clouds in the back! New printer/scanner is doing a great job.

JanRN ... I didn't have any quilt background in my family either. I know my Mother had made them but not in my time. I too made all my clothes in high school, and most once I started working and after marriage. Even made a coat as well as my wedding dress (no, nothing too intricate). Then life happened, we were busy with the farm, and no time for me and my sewing .... other than to do mending! And on a farm (and with my husband especially), there was LOTS of that to do! I'm SO glad that I got back to the sewing ... particularly discovering my quilting passion.

DaeK ... Welcome to the PC trails!!! Hope you will saddle up and join us. Or perhaps you're getting ready to make a sailboat quilt. With all that history and memories, it'd be ever so special to -remake!

WendiQ ... this quilt is all about humour, and non-sensical stuff for me! I think the yellow has set me free!!!!!

GGal ... OMG ... you've only quilted for 18 months? WOW! You've really mastered things and are motoring! Congratulations!!!!!!!

Termi ... oh how I do like your Fishing Boat ... great match up on those stripes and the sail fabric, just looks like it belongs on the waterfront! And even waves in the water to complete the scene. And EvFav ... those horses are just trotting right along at road speed, I'm sure! You've done yourself proud on bloth blocks.

Your question re getting
blocks laying flat ... there may be different solutions, depending on the cause. Is it because of the bulk of the seams that they do not lay flat? or that the pieces are too big/small and causing the problem? seams of varying widths? fabric becoming stretched?

Some of my solutions, lay in the questions. Plus, I press at every step, after every seam, first setting the seams. Spraying the fabric with Best Press (I've converted from spray starch) before you even start to use it can help to stabilize the fabric, particularly when working bias cuts. And for sure, at the very end, the BP can help get all flattened out. I have had blocks that the bulk of the seams were little mountains, but with pressing and some BP, they flattened right out nicely.

JeanieG ... oh so cute! Yes, we must be thinking alike on this! YOur yellow sails and dark blue boat certainly contrast better than mine. Impressive FCing and piecing on Ev Fav!!
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