Thread: Ticks
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Old 05-24-2012, 06:05 AM
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Default Ticks

has anyone noticed ticks being very bad this year? I have flushed so many of them in the last month (I feel that is the only way to make sure they are gone). Fortunately I have not had any attached, just feel them crawling and nab them. DH too.

I even had one crawling on my leg after I came in from outside, showered, and put on all new clothes. Now where did it come from? Hate to think they are living in my rug. I have no pets that might bring them in.

We had one other year like this in the last 20 years. I am wondering if the mild winter has anything to do with it. One of my hunter friends said moose permits are down this year because so many of the moose are stressed already by being covered in ticks.
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