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Old 05-27-2012, 02:35 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,726

JeanieG ... great pot holder! Now I do believe you have some more fabric already for a mate? Yes, W4Me has an even better idea that there should be an apron!

Ghostie ... Your significant symbolism makes that even better!!! If you really want to get carried away, the "official" maple leaf on our flag has eleven points, one for each of the ten provinces and one for the territories. At the time the flag was developed, there were only two territories, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, but they were only give one point between them. Now there are the three as you already recognized!

W4Me .... WOWzers! And how much more patriotic, do you think it could be? You will be proud to display that along with your car this summer!

Everyone note ... Later today ...... was only 72 minutes later!

Muv... Ouch Ouch Ouch ... on the prickles!! Incredible work!
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