Old 05-28-2012, 04:55 PM
Anne P
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Seattle
Posts: 695

Thanks. Is anyone doing Margarita (or as I call them, Lime Smoothies)? Would go well with the dip!

After I set the water sprinkler for the garen (because it hasn't rained, today yet although it was forecast) I checked my stash, which is pretty small compared to some people's. I can't find my patriotic fabrics, although I KNOW I have some. After dinner, which is cooking, I'll do a more thorough search. I did find some pink and green fabrics I can use for a scrappy, though.

This is really showing me I need to get down there an organize my stash!!!! My studio is in the part of the basement that is only partly finished (but as much as it's going to be with only a couple of additions like a pegboard). It was a total diaster for quite a while when DS was remodeling the other 2/3 of the basement. Now that that's done (and it's awesome!) I have no more excuses - well, except for the quilts I'm working on and other things like the yardwork and housework and cooking, and, and and,

I'm enjoying seeing all the pretty fabrics that are going into these quilts! If I can find the software for my camera, I will load it onto this newer computer and attempt to post. Looking forward to seeing what comes of this great activity.

Happy quilting!

Anne P
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