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Old 06-08-2012, 02:01 AM
Nana P
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 3
Default Hi from New Zealand

I have recently been introduced to QB by my lovely friend Dale aka KamaiaRigby. I'm 63 years old and have been quilting for more years than I care to remember. It has become more than just a hobby, it's a real passion. I have recently moved from North Auckland NZ to the Kapiti Coast, about an hour north of Wellington NZ. I haven't yet joined a quilt group down here and really miss my Quiltzheimers Wednesday group that I used to belong to. I have become addicted to QB and spend hours every night reading page after page. What a lovely friendly and helpful lot of people you all are. I look forward to many more years of quilting friends from all around the world. Hopefully I can still find time to do some actual sewing.
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