Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 06-16-2012, 09:37 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

It's really back, I have been back since February, but I am
only working 1 day a week (Fridays).

But this week there was one guy on vacation and business
had been busy so they needed more help, hence where I came
in mainly to answer the phones and take messages, and IF I
remember anything about the Mfg. then take the order and print
the pick tickets. I was able to do a LITTLE bit of order taking, but
mostly what I was doing was TRYING to clean up the A/P & A/R

The former owner got so bad with his drinking that he wasn't doing
anything right in the accounting, so here I am 3 years later trying
to figure which invoices are TRULY past due and which had been
paid, but never cleared from the system and the aging reports.
Talk about a mess shesh its enough to cause me headaches.

Working for the new owner is just so much easier and laid back
he is not paranoid about everything, but the poor guy he has 3
companies now that keeps him super busy, along with 3 YOUNG
daughters all under the age of 10 (he is mid/late 50's). So I am
TRYING my best to do as much as I can to help make running the
business easier.

Mark has said that soon as business is showing a good come back
(if it ever does) that does plan on bringing me back permanent and
full time. Of course since I am the one who is doing the work with
the monthly commission reports that we get, I KNOW just now much
our sales have dropped over the last several years. Prior to my being
laid off 3-1/2 yrs ago we averaged about $47k - $68k a month in
sales commissions, now we are lucky if it is $24-27k HUGE drop.

As for the fire is has been burning a week now, it is now considered
the 3rd largest fire in Colorado history, and was started by lightning.
Where the fire is burning is a good 60+ miles north of me, but if/when
the wind shifts the smoke does/can make its way down here.

Originally Posted by Krystyna View Post
Louise, I'm so happy for you that you were called back to work! That is fantastic! Hope the fires in your area have calmed down.
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