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Old 06-24-2012, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by judy363905 View Post
there is also a flashing shield (with 4patch of blue and yellow) when you click on it -- it says you have a trojan and 78 virsus on your computer... they claim to be Windows Shield and can protect your computer says to click on remove this issue and it actually disables you Macafee / Norton and down loads their program... then they try to get your bank information... even tries to send a fake email from your bank... what a mess... do not click on that shield...I guess by now you know how I know... did get issue cleaned up and Macfee is back on my system. They people need to get a JOB and stop this.
Judy in Phx, AZ
I agree. This popped up out of the blue last week on my computer. I immediately opened up Kaspersky (which runs all the time anyway) and did a scan. No virus, no trojan. Imagine that.
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