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Old 06-26-2012, 05:31 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Rock Island, IL
Posts: 297

I keep those rolling carts you have all talked about and use the two top drawers of one for tools and parts for my machines, another cart is for all those cute things for holidays, like valentines day trims and such, halloween, one drawer is for leather type ties and attachments(I forget what they are). Shoeboxes (clear plastic ones ) are for zippers. Each box holdes a different length. Things that are like booklets, charts etc go on the shelving unit i have. That pressing thing for applique goes in a open top plastic filing box i have near the ironing board and in that box is also my holder for knitting needles and crochet hooks. I mostly group things near where I will be using them. My templates for the longarm are in a rolling cart under the machine. You will figure out what works for you, just give yourself some time. if you are really anal about this organizing thing. I started a data base once (didn't follow through) that lists the item and where I stored it. Thought it would help me find things in a hurry. I just numbered all those plastic drawers. I've moved twice since so there went that plan. Now I just spend 30% of my time searching for things like the rest of the world.
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