Old 06-29-2012, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by sewmary View Post
"When you live in chronic pain, keeping stress down is critical. Having a plan helps but flexibility is crucial. I encourage everyone to focus on what you can do not what you can't. Knowing I'm not the only one with limits helps to and I remind me "this too shall pass" when pain stops me in my tracks. Then I get a cup of tea, put on some soothing music and put my legs up and rest a bit. I know when I'm feeling able I'll be back at the machine and into my stash!"

Thank you for those words to remember!

And to always remember ... things could be worse!

I was blind for four months ... that was eleven years ago. Two surgeries later and yes, I am fine, though I do have some ongoing issues that require eye care management!

When my eyes are bothering me and I get frustrated, I soon up the attitude by realizing what could have been ... how fortunate I am. I am quite happy to endure the ongoing issues, medical appointments and eye care management that I must do when I think of the alternative.

And oh ... I had convinced myself that my sewing days were over. It took me about five years to even go near the sewing machine as I'd convinced myself that I could not sew any longer. Oh I was SO wrong!!!
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