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Old 07-02-2012, 06:32 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I think all of the "crafty" genes in my family skipped right over my parents - both of my grandmothers were big sewers; my mom's mom was mostly very practical; she made all of the family's clothes, linens, drapes, rugs, quilts, etc. for decades. Rugged, hardworking stuff. My dad's mom was more of an artist; she did a few bed quilts but mostly made art quilts and dolls, and was also a really good oil painter. Neither of my parents were ever artsy/craftsy, so I learned from my grandmothers, especially my maternal grandmother (she babysat me a lot). She had a dedicated sewing room with two sewing machines (one industrial, one regular) and she'd get me all set up on the regular machine and we'd work side-by-side, starting when I was probably about 8. Before that it was hand sewing - she also taught me how to embroider. When I was about six I started my own "business" - making stuffed and embroidered mice out of my grandmother's stash of felt for all her friend's cats. I "sold" them for either cookies or new felt! LOL She also enrolled me as her quilting helper - I'd spend hours cutting blocks (with scissors), and my "specialty" when I was about 10 was doing all the yarn ties to finish off her tied quilts. I was good at crawling out to the middle without messing up the layers. (Oh wow, such memories!)

I'm not a very good tailor (at ALL) but some day I'll seriously tackle that because I really want to know how to make my own clothes and alter store-bought clothes. But for now I'm too entranced with quilt making. I like to think my style is a combination of both of my grandmothers' styles - the practicality and ruggedness from one, combined with the art and colors from the other.

I'm pretty much the only sewer in my family now, on both sides. There are a lot of painters and artists amongst my aunts and uncles and cousins, but not really any "thready" people but me. (And, go figure, I'm a rotten artist!)
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