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Old 07-07-2012, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Quilter 57 View Post
Cianan Pepper works good for squirrels as well, it does not bother the birds but the squirrels get a hot tongue out of it. Don't know if I spelled that right or not.
Thanks for th slinky trick I might have my mom try that, she is havig a terriable time.
I only have a few squirrels and they don't seem to bother the bird feeder, they are content with what the birds throw on the ground, however I wonder if the pepper trick will work on keeping ground hogs and racoons out from under my home. We have tried putting large pieces of cement around and plants in front of them so they are not an eye sore but they still find a spot to dig and get underneath and eat my insulation and heat ducts. Going to get some and give it a try. Thanks for the tip.
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