Old 07-16-2012, 05:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Charlee View Post
Linda, I forgot to mention Guy!!!! I LOVE dealing with Guy Baker!! He's honest, he cares!! True story:

When I got my Kenmore 84, I was fairly new to vintage machines and messing with machines in general. I theaded it, plugged it in, hit the "gas", and immediately noticed smoke coming from the motor. VISIBLE smoke! ACK!! Unplugged the machine and it sat until the next day when I found Guy's website and had sent him an email requesting information about a new motor for the machine. Within an hour or two, my phone was ringing. (He requests a phone number in your email to him).
Guy proceeded to tell me that if the machine had sat for any length of time, that it was probably dust in the motor and to run the machine for awhile. I expressed concern about fire, and he reassured me that it wasn't going to catch fire, or cause one, that it would simply stop working if it was indeed "burning out". Said it would be smelly for a bit but no worries there, and told me to call him back when it stopped working, and THEN he would talk to me about selling me a motor, but that we really had nothing to talk about until then!

Most sewing machine business people would have sold me the motor without any concern about whether or not the one I had was any good. This motor I had turned out to be a fine, strong motor. The machine is awesome, and I love using it! Guy Baker gets some credit for that, because otherwise I'd have ended up with a gray machine with either a black or white motor on it instead of one that matched.
Charlee, I love dealing with Guy also and promote him every chance I get. When I got my first treadle, DH contacted him for a new belt. He was a great source of info. on how to get the treadle going and even sent a bunch of free parts when he sent our order. Can't beat that!
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