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Old 09-28-2009, 05:29 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Athens Ga
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I have always thought of myself as an "old fashioned quilter". But, since joining this board, I find myself venturing out. I have always admired art quilts, and will try my hand someday. I have never entered a quilt, never thought mine were good enough, so don't know how they are judged. But I feel there is room for all types of quilters.

I do feel there should be different categories for quilt shows. As has been stated before, broken up into hand, machine, etc:
Even the old patterns, that I love, were new once, and i wonder if even then there were those who said they weren't real quilts! :shock: :shock: Or maybe, the women were accused of "getting too fancy" when the Baltimore quilts were started.
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