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Old 07-23-2012, 04:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Silver Needle View Post
Ok, here comes the dumb question. How do you keep he seams lined up while getting it ironed and not get your fingers burned? Is there some tool you use? Could you picture this. I'm doing a Little 9 patch I'd like to try this on.
Oh goodness that is a great question. I tried to get a picture/but having an older camera that sometimes does not focus well....the Porcupine Quill, that a fellow quilter sent me as a gift, is what I use. It is sharp and tiny on both ends and works great for holding the fabric in place while placing the iron on top. I think there are numerous items that would work for this step. A toothpick, Chopsticks, the end of the seam ripper, plus I believe there are specific products for this (forgive me, just waking up and brain not functioning) I just can not think of the name. Have a great time experiencing this method and let me know how you like it.
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