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Old 07-24-2012, 12:26 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Littlefield, TX, USA
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Cheater! I'm gonna tell the quilt police...oh, wait...there are no quilt police around here...ah, so you are safe! LOL... great idea. I used to glue baste my mitered corners & bindings...haven't in awhile. But this will make for a great nine patch for an Irish chain. will actually save time.

One hint...I saw this on youtube...switch the direction you put the pins in...having the point of the pin right at the edge of the fabric's cut edge (instead of having the head of the pin there.

Really like the colors you have here!

Originally Posted by Chicca View Post
Good morning everyone! Yesterday, I began sewing the seams for my Double Irish Chain quilt blocks. I wondered to myself while cutting the fabrics if I would have any problems. Two of the fabrics that I had chosen were very light weight. I am a scrap quilter who has been lucky (thats putting it mildly) enough to have recently been given a retired quilters fabric stash, as she can no longer quilt and her family had no interest. Quite a few pieces of her stash are a very light weight material, but some wonderful colors; so even though, I anticipated some trouble and had never worked with this type before; I cut it with a passion and was excited to see what happened on this "adventure".

Thanks to the board and all of their wonderful tips and beautiful quilt creations and various styles, I have been stepping out of my comfort zone and trying many new things and really focusing on improving my entire quilting experience. Here a while back, I chose to use some tape to mark my 1/4 inch seam line on my Singer; which does work FABULOUSLY. But, being a pinner I have run into issues with my pins and the tape. Nothing pertinent, well at least not until the pin, tape and thin fabric intertwined. LOL. I was ending up with puckers and snags like crazy. By the time I finished the first seam, I knew I had to find a solution.

One of the things I am working at improving is really nice seam lines, you know the ones that actually do line up and meet together so wonderfully. Sitting on the side was my bottle of Elmers Washable School Glue that I have used in applique. I hem hawed at the thought of glueing every seam. But, it was the only thing I could really come up with. So, I gave it a go.

I am sure that it has been mentioned on the board in the past; but I am sorry, I just do not remember for if I am stepping on toes or anything, please forgive me. I am just so thrilled with the outcome of this method of Glue Basting. For me, it will always be the perfect solution. I just placed a small dot at each seam line, matchine the seams (which was far better than my pinning could ever achieve), place the iron down, press and hold for a few seconds, lift and move down the row.

Wow, instantanious (spelling) super duper results. LOL. It really did not take any longer than pinning and I completed all 17 blocks yesterday. I wanted to share a few photos, that hopefully will demonstrate the accuracy and ease of doing this. Because, have got to try this if you encounter any issues like I did.

Sorry, I carried on forever. Just excited to share my experience and hope that it helps anyone one else facing similiar issues. Thanks again each and every Board Member who posts tips and tutorials, photos and ideas. They really do help!
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