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Old 07-26-2012, 05:10 PM
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by jcrow View Post
I bought a seam ripper that I can't live without. I can't remember the name of it, but you can buy it here: It is so worth the extra cash. You can buy extra blades, but the blade that came with it still works fine after one year. Gingher makes a similar type seam ripper and I bought it, but the blades aren't sharp at all. It doesn't work well. Don't waste you money on it IMO.
I did the same as you. I thought the Gingher would be just as sharp as the Havel, with the plus that a retractable blade would be safer to use. Useless as made. Not sharp and too blunt to fit under stitch. I wrapped the handle of the Havel with rubberized shelf liner stuff to get a better grip. To me the danger is when setting it down/picking up. Gotta make sure the cap is on or you could reach for it and get cut. I wish Gingher would change those blades! I still think retractable with something that sharp is the way to go.
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