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Old 07-30-2012, 12:29 PM
Quilter 57
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 17

I keep a Quilt Journal, Actually I have 2, one is different notes for different projects, what fabirc I used, size and where it went. The other journal is pictures with little notes by the pictures. When I quilt for my friend I take a pic to show what I did on it. I am hopeing also that someday when I am gone the kids and grandkids can look back and see all the quilts I made and my comments. I think its a good thing. I like to go back and look at all the pictures of what I have made. Its totally worth it. I suggest to all you newbies you should start one right away. It will be good to look back on your projects when you first start and when you have a few years under your belt.
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