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Old 08-05-2012, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by cpower View Post
As the Consumer Show Manager for Oliso, I would like to thank those of you that love you Oliso! Those of you that have had problems I urge you to contact our customer service dept in San Francisco, which will get an English speaking person! Please leave your name, phone number, good time to reach you and the serial no from the iron. We do stand behind our product!!

For those that want an Oliso iron...see me at one of the Quilt shows across the US! Manchester, NH, Grand Rapids, WI are the next two I will be at! Really big deal on the TG 1600 at those two shows!!

I was thinking there had to be a way to return the irons for either money back or a new one. I appreciate your stepping forward to let us know this information CPower.. I am thinking about buying one of the 1600's as I like the ability to not have to set an iron up due to tip over. My iron just quit working after 20 years and I have heard so many negatives about many irons, but I do like the idea behind this.
I would hope an iron company would take heed of what is said on blogs like this great one and come up with a iron that is versatile for both the home sewer, garment maker, quilt maker in us all. I , too, don't like the spit and sputter when one has steam, but for some items steam is needed.
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