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Old 08-06-2012, 12:37 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 13
Default Where do you get your inspiration?

I've had the hardest time with my latest project--a quilt for my baby boy due this fall. I went to the fabric store no less than 3 times looking for fabric (I usually pick the pattern first, then get fabric to match, but I did it the other way around this time). The first two times I ended up leaving empty handed, frustrated that all the fabrics were too feminine--even the blues were covered in flowers and hearts. I finally found a really cute rocket ship fabric, and bought 4 other colors (with subtle patterns) to match. They are perfect together. Then I thought I had the block all picked out, but now I'm second guessing it. I was going to use a star pattern to go along with the rocket ship theme, but with the size of print it seems like the pieces will be too small to really see the print. The rocketships are about 2 inches in length or so, and 1-2 inches apart. I don't want that adorable print to get lost in tiny pieces. And I want it to be different from the quilts i've made for my other kids. Most of the "traditional" blocks seem too grown up for the personality of the fabrics. I could do just 6 or 8 inch squares all pieced together, but that doesn't seem very interesting (or as much fun to make). Then I thought I might use the coordinating fabrics to make the top, then use the rocketships for the back....or save the rocket ship fabric for something else entirely (but I have no money to buy more fabric). I just can't seem to find the right way to put these fabrics together.

Anyway....where do you get your inspiration? I can't seem to find mine.
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