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Old 08-13-2012, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by redwoodgate View Post
If I went this route, would I take the blanket the full length and width of the top? If not, would the point where it stops be noticed?
Yes, the blanket would be the full area of the quilt. It would be like you were using the blanket as the foundation for foundation piecing if you are familiar with that technique.
Here's a tutorial for a sew & flip:
She is using all small strips. Her first piece is the pink center strip. Your first piece would be the big center square, then add your border strips. When your borders are all added trim off the excess blanket and bind.
Reading your posts it sounds like you are looking for a flat, smooth top portion. With any method you choose, you will need to be careful that the large top piece is correctly matched to where it's sewn to the batting or blanket or whatever you use. If you sew the 2 together and the top is even slightly larger or smaller than where you sewed it to the batting, it's not gonna lay right. Normally I would suggest basting the top to the backing in a grid of about 8" but if you use dupioni you can't do that. Can't baste silk where it's going to be seen because the needle marks don't come out.
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