Old 08-14-2012, 03:34 AM
J Miller
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Originally Posted by melinda1962 View Post

Yes, the Q foot is a clear plastic kenmore foot that came with q needles. I see them in sets on shop goodwill sometimes. That foot was the life saver for t shirt type fabrics. Also, you can try cheating the needle down just a smidge, if you don't have the q foot. Not sure of the logic, just that it sometimes worked back in the day.

I did not ignore this suggestion, it was just one of many things I read that did not fully gel. I had the needles set to the same over all length, I had not thought about the eye placement. Had you gone into some detail as to why I should cheat the needle down, I might have tried it sooner. Since I had them the same length I did not want to risk making the needle too long without a good reason.
Seeing for myself the misaligned eyes gave me that reason.
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