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Old 08-15-2012, 04:42 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: California girl
Posts: 67

Definitely a friendly shop where people actually do customer service. Hard to find but when you find one you will go back again and again.

I live in CA. and in my city we have only two quilt shops, one is newer and they are much more friendly but I don't actually like their kind of fabric, so I shop online.
Now there is no one in our city (700,000!) who does good repair s I go out of town to this little town called Porterville and where I go they have Janomes (which is the machine I have) and they are so nice and do not charge you much for service. They only charge you for the part + like $30 for how many hours it takes him to replace it. You cannot get that kind of service anywhere here in town.
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