Old 08-18-2012, 09:58 AM
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Default Pin cushions

Julie- Do you have a horse?

I have done a little research on old pincushions after visiting with a lady that has a wonderful antique store. She had this awsome pin cushion that was about the size of a brick. This sparked my curiousity. In the old days it was common to use horse hair in them she said. I think the one in the store was weighted with something then stuffed.
I asked my husband to collect some horse hair when he clipped his horses mane then I shampooed, dried, aired, then used to stuff a pin cushion.

My favorite is one I made from metal filings ordered online. These came with a swatch of fabric somewhat like swim suite fabric. This fabric contains the filings so they don't leak out. I think the same would work for sand.
After filling the 'lining' with the filings then make the outside pin cushion to your liking.

I like the variety of questions and answers we find on this board.
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