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Old 08-20-2012, 11:43 AM
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Default Whiskey Marmalade UK Style as requested.

1.4 kg (3lb) Seville Oranges
Juice of 2 lemons
2.8 litres (5pints) water
2.7 kg (6lb) sugar.
Generous 1/4 cup whiskey

Wash and dry fruit. Cut in 1/2 and squeeze the juice out. Place the pips in a muslin bag and tie them safely inside.

Slice and shred the oranges or coarsely chop in a food processor.

Put in a pan along with lemon juice, water and pips. Bring to boil and simmer gently until the peel is really soft. This will take about 11/2 -2hrs. Don't add the lemon skins because they take a lot longer to soften than orange skins.

Lift out the pips, squeezing them against the side of the pan with a wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and add the sugar and stir until it is all dissolved. Return to the heat and boil rapidly for 15-35 minutes

Test for setting by placing a drop of juice onto a cold saucer/plate and allow to cool. Gently push the drop with your finger and if a "skin" creases ahead of your finger while sliding into the drop then setting is more or less reached. I have noted that the boiling action becomes more syrupy as setting time is reached. It remains a bit of trial and error but you can always re boil the marmalade to reduce the liquid a bit.
Remove from the heat and sterilise your jars before filling with the cooled, (not cold) marmalade.

Viv AKA stitchingcrazy
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