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Old 10-04-2009, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by azdesertrat
I just got done putting together a quilt top of tee shirts.cutting out the "picture" from the shirt,(I just took a class) and ironed a lightwieght stabilizer to the back of each one,I framed each "shirt" with fabric,then put them together.I ended up with large blocks 12" each I think.but it came out really nice,just have to do sew the last row to the rest and the top is done.the most important thing is to try to make the squares all the same size if at all possible
What brand/type of stabilizer do you use? I made a t-shirt quilt and hated it since everything stretched out so much and was a pain. Obviously someone thought of a way to fix that, and I've had people ask about me making them t-shirt quilts, so the stabilizer would really really help.

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