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Old 08-30-2012, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by MattieMae
I just looked at the manual, “What’s new for tomorrow is at SINGER today!” The back cover shows pictures of a Singer television, Singer vacuum cleaner, Singer phonograph, Singer typewriter, and child’s Touch & Sew that’s battery, electricity, or hand crank. Ah, the “Made in USA “ good old days.Good luck with your 628. I’m off to find my Zoom Spout.
I saw one of those manuals just recently! They're a hoot-a real blast from the past. I don't know which I want more, the Singer typewriter, or the TV. (To put in my sewing room, or course!). I don't think I have real vinyl records any more, so the phonograph is out, but I could re-ink the typewriter ribbon.

Oh, and can I be nosy and ask how much you paid for it, and when?

Last edited by MrsBoats; 08-30-2012 at 11:40 AM.
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