Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 09-03-2012, 01:47 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 523

Hello to all! I have not been on the board in quite some time, and am trying to catch up. Congrats on your new job Havplenty. Congrats that you are working so much Louise. You are going to be too valuable for your boss to let you go again. I am getting to the end part of a long divorce process, after getting a better attorney. I have been getting my house ready to sell as a result. I am anxious to move onto my new life. My funds have been in short supply also, so sending some RAKS out will have to wait for awhile. I am not too sad to leave this house because their are lots of bad
memories here. I am looking forward to more simplicity in my life. Not knowing where I am going is the hard part. I really can't do much planning until the house sells, which could be next week, or whenever. Everything is packed away in order to get things rolling. I can't find a lot of things, which is a challenge I can deal with. I have been purging, donating, dumping, etc., and would do more if I knew what I will need, and what kind of housing is ahead. I have been doing lots of looking, so I am getting familiar with the market. The reason I am writing all this is to find out if any of you have done this, or moved a lot, or have any suggestions besides trusting that God will show me when the time is right. I also believe He helps those who help themselves. I am open to any and all suggestions.

Also, Havplenty, I am praying for your SIL and family. How is that going? m
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