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Old 09-05-2012, 03:15 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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There is no need to spend $4000 on a machine. I had a $3000 Bernina that I actaully sold because it had so many features I did not need or use. I sold it and bought a Bernina that cost only $700 and it serves my purpose well. My main features that I amke sure I have are: Needle Up/Needle down, authomatic needle threader, being able to move the needle to the left or to the right so I can position it where I want it, and I like a machine that works good with the walking foot. All the other feathers are useless to me and when you are buying a $4000 machine, you are paying for all those other feathers that you may not use, so make sure to look at the $1000 machines and get one of those if it has all the features you feel you need. Good luck and do not feel bad about only spending $1000 on a mcahine. There's alot of really nice machines, in all brands, available to buy for $1000 or less.

Last edited by aborning; 09-05-2012 at 03:17 PM.
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