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Old 09-12-2012, 07:57 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: new mexico
Posts: 19

Thank you so much everyone for the replies. Alien Quilter- thank heavens no more hot flashes!! And my daughters love the warm weather. I remember the mosquitoes....used to laugh and call them the state bird when I lived in AL. I did tell my youngest daughter about the bugs, she is ok with all but the spiders.
Wonderful idea about the Chambers, will send out notes today!! thanks
We are definitely thinking unincorporated or country, I don't know if I remember how to live in a town anymore.
Oh good!!! I love garage sales!! And we will be leaving most of our stuff behind so I get to go look for new!! How about the thrift shops?? Any good ones?
And AZ wont work, my daughters have been there and they hated it!! You think it is hot in FL, that is warm compared to AZ. I have been living in NM for almost 20 years now and we have "dry heat". And since we get to move we decided that we want to see water again. No water in AZ : ).
The humidity doesn't seem to bother me too much, it is the cold in the winter. I get stuck in the house for days at a time in the winter here.
As for storms and other natural disasters. Well you might get some there, here in NM winter happens every year. Most years there is some kind of blizzard storm, close the world down kinda thing. If not then like this year, no water and worry about fires! So no matter where you live it is going to be something, I just want to be able to see the beach once in a while
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