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Old 09-19-2012, 01:07 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Colfax, LA
Posts: 346

I'd always thought I'd like to be called Mimi, but my DIL's favorite grandmother was "Mimi" to her, and she died just before my first grandchild was born. I just couldn't ask to take her name so soon. My name is Millie, and most of the names were already taken (other grandmothers, step-grandmothers, great grandmothers--my fault for waiting), so I chose Gamil. The first grandchild shortened that to just "Mil," and it has stuck. They often introduce me as "MyMil," as though people will know that means "my grandmother". Now the twins have come along, and my younger son wants them to call me Mil as the older grandchildren (older son's children) do. They just turned 2. Sometimes they call me "Mil" but one often calls me "Mum," and the other calls me "Mimi," (what I wanted to be called from the first. Whatever they call me is fine with me. It's not the name--just how excited they are to see me when I arrive that's important.

Last edited by MillieH; 09-19-2012 at 01:22 PM.
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