Old 09-21-2012, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by BrendaK View Post
dreamer after reading some of your other posts I am not sure that there is a Naughty Corner big enough for all the people you want with you. I think that we should just have a corner named "Dreamers Corner". You sound like you have a lot of fun in life, which I admire. Looking at all the things that were given last year made me rethink my list. Is there a place where we can update our Secret Santa profile? Thought that maybe I was going overboard on my package but after seeing some of the gifts from last year I see that I have a ways to go to do that. I can't believe how much I am looking forward to this. It looks as if almost anything goes (in good taste). Has anyone posted that they didn't like what they received? BrendaK
LOVIN the name Dreamer's Corner
as far as update your secret santa stuff...
just update your profile info with your likes
and dislikes...people can click on it and read it.
think mine is same as last year.
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