Thread: RAK Thank You!
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:34 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: MO (the Show Me state)
Posts: 2,947

hi all. i haven't been on the qb in like forever it seems. since my move and new job, i have done no sewing and it driving me crazy.

everose thank you for the wonderful rak of selvages. i was so surprised and it was so timely. i do not know where my camera is stored right now so no pics just yet.

update on my job: i love it!!!! i work for a haiti ngo (non-goverment organization) that makes a supplement to reverse the effects of malnurished children and their moms. the pediatrician that i work for developed this peanut butter supplement and we just finished building a new factory in haiti to make the supplement there. the accounting work was so behind and messed up when i started so all of my time has gone into trying to straighten the accounting records and general ledger out. and i am just trying to keep up with all of the haiti records, board meetings, office stuff that i have to do and not drown but i am employed so no complaints.

i do hope everyone is doing well and i know i will be back on the board soon. take care all.


Last edited by patricej; 09-29-2012 at 01:28 PM.
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