Old 09-29-2012, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by auntpiggylpn View Post
You need to take your beloved pet to the vet!! There could be numerous problems that is causing this issue. Your vet will probably recommend getting some blood work done which can be very beneficial diagnostic tool. You will need to make sure you take a fresh (less than 24 hours old) stool sample. There are soooo many issues with dog foods and treats right now, especially the ones that are being produced in China (even though the bag doesn't say "Made in China") Your baby really needs to be checked out by a professional.

As for the appetite stimulant being added to store brand foods, that probably is hog wash. There are recommendations on every bag as to how much your animal should be fed daily. Sometimes the portions are bigger because the food is of poor quality and/or has so many fillers in it. The dietary guidelines are set by the AVMA (American Veterinary Medicine Association) and sometimes it will take 1/2 cup of a quality food to get the daily requirements but will take 1 cup to get the same daily requirements in a lesser quality food.

Who Hoo! I just put my $40,000 education to use! I just finished my schooling for an Associates Degree in Registered Veterinary Technology and am currently doing a 3 month externship at one of the best vet clinics in my city! This counsultation is on the house!!!

Congrats on your achievement and thanks for sharing!

I hope people are paying attention to this! It means that unless the cheap food is less than half as much as the more expensive food (and allowing for the dog being willing to eat enough of it to meet his needs) you are paying more for the privilege of giving your dog the cheap filler ingredients.
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