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Old 09-30-2012, 05:55 AM
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ok Daisy patience is one thing but starting after Halloween? how do you know you will get all your blocks done ON TIME? I hear that from others experience blocks still trickle in after the due date and that doesnt seem very fair to everyone who made an effort to get theirs done AND received by the final date. BTW I am not suggesting it was you but this concerns me that others think this is an optional date. I don't get it, everyone KNEW up front when our fabric was to be sent out.. and when it is to be home completed. So why is it ok to break the rules? they are not basic guidelines.. they were set out when everyone signed up. not a suprise thrown at you .. grrr... ok I vented. Chasing fabric seems a bit unfair on those who play by the rules.

On to happier thoughts, who has their halloween decorations out yet? I have a baby.. she is 21 and long moved from home and I am the bigger kid by far. I have a halloween tree with pumpkins and skeletons on it, a bunch of those mini pumpkins, glass pumpkins (gosh I love those) and well cats and halloween quilts and of course since I was putting all that up, up went the turkeys too one stop decorating lol.. it makes me happy. A lead in to my favorite time of the year.. when I get to hang all my decorations. Do you know now I forget here, one of our group members has 17 or 18 Christmas trees she puts up in all her rooms? OMG.. I want to hire her. I look at my measly four boxs and think.. ugh.. I think she has to have a storage unit just for those trees!
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