Thread: Batting pieces
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Old 10-05-2012, 06:49 AM
grann of 6
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Originally Posted by Janette View Post
I just handed in a quilt to my LAQ and asked her about the iron-on tape. She said she would not accept batting that had been taped because she has tried it and found that she had problems with skipped stitches, broken threads, etc. when her needle passed over the taped areas. She went back to the old method of joining pieces together by hand or machine. She also said that she will no longer accept Mountain Mist batting. Said she used to have no problems with it but lately she has had problems with the batting separating into balls after multiple washings of the quilts. She believes the scrim is somehow dissolving after repeated washing in water. Some quilts are fine but others aren't. Of the last 4 quilts she used this on, she found 2 of them with this problem.

This is very interesting to hear from someone who should know what she is talking about. I used the lightweight interfacing and a wide zig zag on a couple charity quilts, because I wanted to see if I had any issues with the long arm going over the interfacing part. I had no problem at all. I don't use Mountain Mist any more either, because I had used it on some of the GKs baby quilts and noticed them getting all lumpy over time. I now only use Warm & Natural or Warm & White.
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